Introducing Miracle
Mineral Solution Two
by Jim Humble, August 15, 2009
A new Miracle Mineral is being introduced here. It should have all the fanfare
of one of the most important medicines that has ever been introduced to mankind.
Unfortunately we inventors, as opposed to multibillion dollar research
organizations, never have the money for fanfare. We're lucky to scrape together
50 cents to buy an envelope to mail the concept back to ourselves for a cheap
inventor's patent protection. So here it is - the announcement of a new miracle
mineral - but without much fanfare.
Hypochlorous acid is an acid that the human immune system uses to kill pathogens
of all kinds throughout the body, and many other things that sometimes need to
be destroyed. For example when killer cells get old and worn out they turn
against the body; the immune system recognizes the problem and proceeds to
destroy the worn-out cells with hypochlorous acid.
This acid is probably the most important acid the body makes to maintain health.
I think that qualifies it to be considered natural. It is a naturally produced
acid because the body’s immune system makes it. It’s not manufactured in a
chemical plant somewhere. The fact is, hypochlorous acid will kill most
pathogens in the body - even the powerful malaria parasite if enough of the acid
is present.
However, for whatever reason, Mother Nature did not provide the human body with
the means to generate enough hypochlorous acid to kill all the diseases that
might enter the body. Maybe making the acid is just too complex to generate
large quantities of it that are now required to destroy the powerful "incurable"
diseases that have come to be on this planet. In a more perfect world not much
of the acid would be needed.
Suppose you were a medical researcher 80 years ago and you were interested in
overcoming diseases in the human body, and you were aware of this data - that
hypochlorous acid kills disease pathogens. Well, the fact is, this data was
known 80 years ago. Don’t you think you would have spent a little bit of time on
the idea of how to supply the body with a little more hypochlorous acid? The
body has been using hypochlorous acid to kill disease germs for a million years.
Isn’t that a logical idea - that a medical researcher attempting to find cures
for diseases, would at least try giving the body a little bit more hypochlorous
acid when germs or disease threaten? Well I think it's logical and if medical
researchers were attempting to find "cures" for people instead of making costly
drugs that keep people back, they would have found this hypochlorous acid
miracle cure and many other such cures - long ago.
So any way, the goal here is to describe Miracle Mineral Number Two. It
is so far beyond any known medical drug that there is simply no comparison. You
can’t compare it with medical drugs as they are not intended to overcome or cure
diseases. This MMS2 kills pathogens and actually aids healing. So what is it? As
far as an antibiotic is concerned, it kills pathogens instantly by blowing a
hole in the skin. It’s not like medical antibiotics which can take from hours to
weeks to penetrate the skin of a pathogen, slowly destroying the nucleus or
something in the nucleus - if the pathogen hasn't developed resistance. But with
MMS2, pathogens that cause diseases of all kinds cannot develop a resistance to
hypochlorous acid. The body chose well when it developed the ability to generate
hypochlorous acid. Down through the centuries no pathogen has ever developed a
resistance to it.
And maybe, just maybe Mother Nature chose well when she made the various deadly
diseases, because even though some of them are anaerobic and some are aerobic,
none of them are resistant to MMS1 or MMS2 or the combination of 1 and 2. Isn’t
that kind of strange? Of course we don’t have the money for research in this
area, but many thousands of people have called me or emailed me representing
hundreds of different diseases that have been handled with both of these Miracle
So what is it that turns into hypochlorous acid that your body can use? Well,
there happens to be a very cheap simple chemical that actually turns into this
acid. Your body then can take that acid and use it throughout the body. I’ve
been using it for 4 years personally. My clinic and group of people in Mexico
have been using it for more than a year with many people. I was at first sending
it out to people mostly with prostate cancer, but we then started using it on
many things including HIV.
What we found out recently is that MMS (now called MMS1) when given to HIV
people generally cures all of their health problems associated with the HIV, but
it does not cure the HIV in some cases. It is more valuable than the HIV drugs
for treating HIV, but it doesn’t kill the HIV virus always, just sometimes.
So enter MMS2. When taken with MMS1, the two together have produced negative
blood test readings (basically that means cured) in quite a few HIV cases so
far. In fact, all of the cases receiving both MMS1 and 2 have checked negative
(free from HIV). We don't have thousands of cases so far and we will produce the
necessary case studies when the Foundation and Institute for Advanced MMS
Studies is funded. But just to give you an idea, the protocol for HIV has been:
three activated drops of MMS1 each hour for at least 8 hours during the day,
plus one size zero capsule of MMS2 taken every two hours for eight hours per day
- all done continuously for three weeks, then we submit blood to the testing
lab. Oh yes, at first drink 2 glasses of water with the MMS2 capsule and then
always one full glass of water thereafter with each capsule.
Never make yourself sick, always reduce your intake of both MMS1 and 2 if you
notice it is making you more sick than you already are. We have also had some
fantastic results with cancers using MMS2. Also for the new flu now going
around, use this same protocol for this flu, but not for three weeks, do it
until well. Some people will be well in 8 hours and some will take a week or
two. Be especially careful to reduce all the way to zero if it seems that the
MMS is making you feel worse. But start again very soon.
If you feel worse, that's caused by killing the disease so rapidly that it
generates too much poison too fast. Go slower. If you don’t have MMS1 still use
MMS2. I have seen enough people cured of enough diseases to believe that if you
only have MMS2 it will do the job. Use it in a capsule once an hour. Increase
the amount if you can, decrease if you feel worse. You can use it with any
medication. The medication does not hurt MMS2 and MMS2 doesn't harm the
Do you see? We should now have such a fantastic medical system that there would
at this time be no such thing as disease and very little bad health if our
medical system had been controlled by ethical people trying to cure diseases
rather than make money.
MMS1 and MMS2 is just a drop in the bucket. Although I believe that MMS1 coupled
with MMS2 will cure most of the diseases of mankind, I believe that hundreds of
miracle minerals will come that will change the understanding of medicine. In
the future no drug will ever be made from poisonous substances that all medical
drugs are made from now. MMS1 and MMS2 are not poisonous to the body and they do
no damage in the body.
OK, so what is MMS2? What chemical turns to hypochlorous acid in the body? Hold
on to your hat. It’s a special type of swimming ----- pool ----- chlorine.
Well, that's what everybody calls it - swimming pool chlorine. BUT it is really
not chlorine. It's a special agent that is used to "shock" the pool, called
People are used to being told that you shock a pool with chlorine, but that's
not really the scientific facts. It's easy to explain this way. The scientific
facts are that no free chlorine is added to the pool. The pool is in fact
shocked with hypochlorous acid. A pouch of 78% calcium hypochlorite (about one
pound) costs less than $5 dollars in the US. You can buy it at any swimming pool
supply store, but not just any pool chlorine. It has to be calcium hypochlorite.
That’s right, when it is put into pool water it instantly changes into
hypochlorous acid. It’s not the same as chlorine in water. Not at all. Other
chemicals change into chlorine, but not calcium hypochlorite. It changes into
HOCl (that’s the chemical formula for hypochlorous acid). It is a combination of
hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine. Like table salt it also has chlorine in it, but
it reacts far differently than chlorine. MMS1 and MMS2 are made from two of the
cheapest mineral substances that we have. MMS1 will cure malaria, the worst
disease of mankind, in about 10 hours and for less than 5 cents. MMS2 is similar
in cost if not cheaper.
My friend Bill Boynton, who helped me with the chemistry of MMS1 also suggested
pool chlorine to me back in 2003. I wondered why the pool chlorine might be
beneficial. He and I were using it before we knew what it was. So a bit of
simple research turned up the fact that it was hypochlorous acid. Doctors in
medical school learn all about hypochlorous acid in their schooling because it
is a critical component produced and used by the immune system.
So you see it wasn’t because I was all that smart; it was just that I was
looking for opportunities without worrying if I was fitting into a medical
groove or not.
Now, let’s look at how we used it. Keep in mind that anything I say here I do
not suggest that you go and do. Anything that you do is strictly on your own. I
cannot suggest medical things to you. This is simply what we did. Also the "we"
that I talk about here is not the same as my friend Bill that I mention above. I
do not mention names here to protect the innocent and to keep my friends out of
harm’s way. Later when I write my book for posterity I will name all those who
helped me and worked with me, however for now, I feel it is best that I don’t.
First, a friend in Canada mentioned in an email that he had a friend who had
prostate cancer. I said why not try hypochlorite. He said he would ask his
friend and to make a long story short I sent him an envelope of 50 size zero gel
capsules stuffed with calcium hypochlorite from a local pool store. (The supply
in pool stores is anywhere from 45% calcium hypochlorite to 85%. Most is around
75%. I have used it all from 45% to 55% to 65% to 75% to 80%.
There are always other chemicals in the mixture. The other chemicals are all
designed for use in pools so they are not poisonous and most of them are used in
foods or processing foods. You only take a tiny bit of the white powder in a
size zero capsule and thus you never get more than the recommended daily
dose of any of these chemicals. Anyway he took the 50 capsules at about 4 a day
and called me up and said that he felt much better but did I have some more as
he still wasn’t well. So I sent him 50 more and he finally got back to me saying
his prostate cancer was all gone.
So Bill and I sent it out to various people with prostate problems and prostate
cancer. When we got word back they all said they felt better or that the problem
was completely gone. (These are the ones that got back to me, and only because I
begged them. Mostly people don’t get back to us unless they still need more.) I
found out that most people who are feeling good won’t go back to a doctor so too
often I have to take their word that they are OK.
So there you have MMS2. It is effective for many things and very effective for
healing wounds and other skin problems. It aids MMS1 to kill most all so called
incurable diseases and it may be as good as MMS1. It kills the pathogens and
germs on a wound without doing damage to the broken tissues. Just empty a zero
size capsule in a quarter glass of water and use that on the wound. Alcohol,
hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and all other disinfectants all do a certain amount
of damage to the wound causing increased healing time to the damaged cells, but
MMS2 kills the pathogens and does no damage and thus the healing is much faster.
There is research about this wound healing factor on the Internet. You can look
it up. I hesitate to say more because of copyrights.
I realize, of course, that much more research is needed and I should have done
most of that research already, but as you know I have to plead lack of millions
of dollars for that research until the Foundation is funded. I decided that I must release
the information as the urgency became greater and greater in my own mind. I
can’t afford, Earth can’t afford for me to wait any longer. As it is I have
waited 9 months longer than I should, than safety for the data would allow.
Yesterday if the bad guys had taken me to prison or "horizontalized" me, chances
are this data would never be known to Earth's people. Now today as of this date
this data is released on the Internet. The bad guys will never be able to
totally suppress this information. It will always be somewhere and it will
eventually become known. Shooting me won’t stop it. They might slow it down a
lot, but never stop it.
And in keeping with my policy written in my MMS book at I
cannot allow this data to be owned by any one individual or group. Like MMS1 it
is too important for that. If owned by any one group there would always be those
who are left out of the loop. Anyone or everyone can make up MMS2, use it, or
sell it, or distribute it for free or whatever.
So this paper has the same copyright as my book exactly. Because of space I
won’t quote it completely, but it makes this paper public domain in case of my
death or incarceration.
MMS2 is in some ways like gravity. You know it works just by learning the
information. Research is not needed to prove that. It’s like gravity and
dropping an orange. You open your fingers and the orange drops towards the
Earth. You don’t need research to prove it. You might drop an orange once or
twice, but it’s obvious. Well MMS2 is the same way for many things.
Chemically it is obvious that hypochlorous acid can kill pathogens as that has
already been proven. By the time you have finished studying the data it will be
totally obvious what this acid can do. Many nay-sayers are going to find it a
little bit more difficult to spread negative information about MMS2.
The negative blog writers, none of them, have any idea what they're chattering
about with MMS1. MMS2 will be a lot more available to everyone who chooses to
experiment with it, and believe it or not, it is already available in most
countries of Africa, all cities of the US, Canada, Europe, and around the world.
It is so available that it couldn’t possibly be suppressed throughout the world.
There's just one more point that I would like to make. I have been criticized
quite often that I am not specific enough about my data, suggesting I should
give details and furnish names and numbers and blood reports of those who have
been cured. That would be nice if I could do that. But sorry, that isn’t
possible. Do you see? I would be furnishing the evidence to put me in prison.
Authorities in many countries would like to do that.
Wouldn’t it be nice for them if I would just say, here guys use this evidence to
lock me up. Over the last 100 years more than 100 people have been put in prison
and their books burned in the US alone, and some have been killed mysteriously -
and many more than that throughout the world.
If you doubt this, just go to "FDA suppression" in Google. Several of my friends
have spent time in prison in the US with their business, home, car, bank
account, and property all confiscated and never returned in just the last few
years. You think I am exaggerating? Well go on the Internet and look up the
“Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 HR1658” and then follow to the
records of how much Assets were confiscated during for example one year 2006.
More than 6 billion dollars of property were confiscated and auctioned off. More
than 3 billion dollars were put into the government coffers as a result of the
auctions for that one year.
Just this week it was published that the Federal Drug Administration has the
right and the power to state that Mercury is harmless and there should be no
concern about taking it into your body through vaccinations. (Dr. Mercola
[ Click Here to See it. ] ) The Federal authorities can come and take your
property and savings - everything you own and at any time. They don’t have to
have a reason and there is nothing you can do to get it back. So I have fair
reason to be paranoid. Sorry, about the paranoia. I'm publishing this
announcement from within other countries.
Good luck in using MMS2. Don't let the terrifying cautions on the pouch of
Calcium Hypochlorite scare you away. I've tested it for years. If you
voluntarily and privately prepare MMS2 as suggested here (in size zero capsules
only), it's both safe and beneficial - a chemical produced and needed by your
own body in limited quantities. Be sure to drink ample water if you experiment
with this discovery. I take it myself quite often as a maintenance-preventative
This announcement is primarily to get the information on the record and out to
thousands of people around the world. I can't suggest that you follow and do
what I have done. It's the information that's valuable - a key to reducing and
reversing illnesses. Thoughtful people will experiment and awaken to what is
possible with this widely available Miracle Mineral Solution Number Two.
At age 76 I'm here in a country with impure water, malaria, sleeping sickness,
TB, herpes, 40% population with HIV, and I'm in contact with every disease
imaginable carried by strangers who knock on my door at night seeking help - and
I remain disease free. I'm fully active as this is being written on August 15,
Jim Humble Somewhere in Africa
PS: There are two places where you can order MMS2 capsules ready made in a
bottle - ready to take.
1. Send an email to . He will quote a price and ship next day.
His prices include shipping anywhere in the world. His web site is being set up
(Soon visible) as or . He has been shipping since Sept
28, 2009.
2. You can call SubtleEnergyTherapy at 780 634-8950 in Canada. His web site is He begins shipping about October 12, 2009.
MMS 2 Recommendations:
Carefully follow the procedure
for MMS 1 for 3 weeks to cleanse your body of toxins and parasites. Also
1) Drink 2-3 liters of clean water daily.
2) Stop smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
3) Cut down on eating animal products such as meat, fish, chicken, milk.
They create an acidic body in which cancer and AIDS thrive (see the acid/
alkaline chart on the previous 'Thoughts on Health' page).
4) Reduce stress. Smile and laugh more.
5) Week 2 follow the instructions in the article above to add
MMS 2 capsules to the MMS 1 drops for "incurable" diseases such as Cancer, AIDS,
herpes, HPV, etc.
6) Doing the above helps your body to heal itself.
Your success depends on your commitment to make it work. Your choice.
Sodium Chlorite & Chlorine Dioxide (MMS Protocols) Quick Reference Guide!
VoiceofMMS • email: • (excerpt below)
Calcium Hypochlorite
calcium hypochlorite Gel capsules Size 0
Sodium Chlorite & Chlorine Dioxide (MMS Protocols) Quick Reference Guide! ! 36
1. Fill “0” size gel caps with 72% calcium hypochlorite; never use
less than 68% calcium hypochlorite as the lower percentages
contain extra added chemicals such as clarifiers and stabilizers.
• In general, donʼt use anything less than 68% pure, as the lower
percentage products have clarifiers and stabilizers in them. But
in a pinch, even those could be used, as chemical companies
are not going to poison swimmers.
• When you buy this chemical, calcium hypochlorite, the container
will say 45%, 55%, 68%, or 78%, or even 85% available
chlorine. BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE. There is no available chlorine
in this chemical. When it is dissolved in water it turns into
hypochlorous acid, not chlorine. There is no available chlorine.
It is hypochlorous acid that kills the pathogens in the swimming
pool and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is no more chlorine than table
salt (NaCl). Note that both formulas have Cl, which is chlorine,
but in neither case is the chlorine available to be used
chemically in the body.
• Be careful when treating the flu. Use only half a capsule the first
time. Open the capsule and dump out half of the contents. Then
if it makes you feel bad, or worse than you already feel, use a
little less the next time. If you didnʼt notice feeling worse, use a
full capsule the next time (in two hours). Go easy; it will take a
while. If it continues to make you feel worse, keep taking less
and less, but donʼt stop taking it. Then as you begin to feel better
or at least donʼt feel worse, start taking a little more. You can
load your capsules to do this. You will be OK. But follow what I
have said in this paragraph very carefully. Itʼs very important.
• Nausea, diarrhea and fatigue are signs of overdosing – your
MMS2 is working faster than your body can handle, which is
why you must lower the dose, but these are the signs of overdosing,
not poison.
Sodium Chlorite & Chlorine Dioxide (MMS Protocols) Quick Reference Guide! ! 38
VoiceofMMS • email: •
• In general, donʼt use anything less than 68% pure, as the lower
percentage products have clarifiers and stabilizers in them. But
in a pinch, even those could be used, as chemical companies
are not going to poison swimmers.
• When you buy this chemical, calcium hypochlorite, the container
will say 45%, 55%, 68%, or 78%, or even 85% available
chlorine. BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE. There is no available chlorine
in this chemical. When it is dissolved in water it turns into
hypochlorous acid, not chlorine. There is no available chlorine.
It is hypochlorous acid that kills the pathogens in the swimming
pool and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is no more chlorine than table
salt (NaCl). Note that both formulas have Cl, which is chlorine,
but in neither case is the chlorine available to be used
chemically in the body.
• Be careful when treating the flu. Use only half a capsule the first
time. Open the capsule and dump out half of the contents. Then
if it makes you feel bad, or worse than you already feel, use a
little less the next time. If you didnʼt notice feeling worse, use a
full capsule the next time (in two hours). Go easy; it will take a
while. If it continues to make you feel worse, keep taking less
and less, but donʼt stop taking it. Then as you begin to feel better
or at least donʼt feel worse, start taking a little more. You can
load your capsules to do this. You will be OK. But follow what I
have said in this paragraph very carefully. Itʼs very important.
• Nausea, diarrhea and fatigue are signs of overdosing – your
MMS2 is working faster than your body can handle, which is
why you must lower the dose, but these are the signs of overdosing,
not poison.
Sodium Chlorite & Chlorine Dioxide (MMS Protocols) Quick Reference Guide! ! 38
Calcium hypochlorite is available in supermarkets in many parts of
the world since many supermarkets have a swimming pool section if
the town isnʼt large enough to have its own swimming pool store.
When buying calcium hypochlorite, if the package says "68% available
chlorine" what it really means is that 68% hypochlorous acid will
be created as it dissolves in water. Now this is important.
The stores may not offer you a wide choice of percentages, but almost
any percentage listed from 40% to 85% for "available chlorine"
is OK. At 40%, you might have to take two capsules to equal one
capsule at 80%. Again: When talking about available chlorine from
calcium hypochlorite, it is really available hypochlorous acid.
When you go to a swimming pool store and buy some calcium hypochlorite,
do not worry about the other chemicals that are in the calcium
hypochlorite granules. Unfortunately, there is no food grade calcium
hypochlorite available in the world.
Remember, it doesnʼt matter if they call it pool chlorine, or pool shock,
or anything else. It must be the calcium hypochlorite chemical at 40%
to 85% and of course 85% is by far the best. That means the package
will say 40% (or 50% or 60% or 70% or some percentage) that is
"available chlorine", which, let me repeat, is not true. It is really hypochlorous
acid that is available when dissolved in water.
Excerpt from Jim's new book: The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium! June-2011
Once you have one master healer, you have got to suspect that there are
more, and the fact is, there are indeed more. It isn’t all that hard to come up
with others. If the medical people were doing what they like the public to
believe they do, they would have invented these solutions before I was
born. They are chemicals that the body has been using for thousands of
years. Industry has been using them for at least 100 years to kill pathogens
in water, on meat, on hospital floors and in a hundred other places. If the
medical profession was looking to cure people, they would have discovered
these things long ago, as they have been there all along.
The logic should have gone something like this:
• “Hmm, let’s see now, this particular chemical is used by the immune
system to kill pathogens and other organisms that the body needs to
get rid of, and this same chemical is used in industry to kill pathogens
and other organisms that industry needs to get rid of. I wonder if we
supplied the body with a little extra chemical, would it be more able to
kill the same pathogens, since the body is already using this
chemical? Maybe it doesn’t have enough when under an attack from
a lethal disease.”
It’s so obvious that, in my opinion, medical science should have come up
with several miracle substances long ago.
Keep in mind that both MMS1 and MMS2 are chemicals that the human
immune system has been using for hundreds of thousands of years. That
isn’t something I have thought up. There are thousands of research papers
that explain that and it has been known for more than 50 years.
It’s probably pretty hard to understand why medical people haven’t been
using those two chemicals to enhance the immune system for at least 50
years, but they never have. Amazing. The name of the MMS2 chemical is
calcium hypochlorite. Don’t use any other chemical. Of course it would be
nice if we had pharmaceutical grade chemicals to put in our gel capsules,
but we do have swimming pool grade chemicals and the manufacturers of
these must maintain a fairly pure chemical or they would be poisoning
The fact is, I have checked the quality of swimming pool chemicals and
there are no poisonous chemicals used. Further, the trace chemicals are all
at a limit below what is suggested that your system can tolerate, given the
amount that you will be ingesting in my protocol. Keep in mind that the
human skin is a body organ that can absorb more than the human
stomach. So swimming pool manufac- turers must be fairly careful.
Please read through this protocol about 10 times, use the data here in this
book, or go to my web site and get the data to make
MMS2 capsules. Perhaps you are already proficient in this sort of thing. Do
it for yourself or someone else.
In my opinion and from the people I have already seen recover or at least
get a lot better, you have a better than 90% chance of recovery if you have
a stage IV cancer. If you go the medical route, according to The American
Cancer Society you have less than a 3% chance of recovery.
If any of the 23,000 known skin diseases are involved, refer to Chapter 23,
Methods Other Than Oral of Using MMS. You can also visit the section
regarding MMS tub baths on my web site Note the
pictures and list of skin diseases.
Hypochlorous Acid
The immune system uses this acid to kill many things, including disease
pathogens. But one of the chemicals that the body manu- factures in order
to make hypochlorous acid is known as myeloper- oxidase, and it is often
deficient in the human body. Thus there is often not enough hypochlorous
This is known by medical science. There are articles written about it. (Go to
Google and search “myeloperoxidase deficiency”. Some 30,000 articles are
listed.) So one would have thought that medical science would have just
given sick people some extra hypochlorous acid. But guess what, it never
happened. So I did it.
Well, I was only partially that smart. Actually my friend next door in the
Nevada desert, Bill Boynton, came over one day and said that calcium
hypochlorite killed germs in swimming pools and it might just be another
MMS. He suggested that we try taking small amounts and see what
happens. I figured if he was game to do it, I was too.
We made up some gel capsules with calcium hypochlorite in them and
started taking them and when they didn’t kill us, we had some friends take
them. Then a few people who had prostate cancer took them. At the time,
people with prostate cancer were the only ones available who were willing
to test the new capsules. So far as I know, not a single person who took
these capsules failed to get better or completely healed.
I did the research on it to finally realize that the calcium hypochlorite was
turning into hypochlorous acid. I decided to use the gel caps and started
sending it out to people in the gel cap form. It’s something a doctor could
never do. He has the Hippocratic Oath and AMA and FDA looking over his
shoulder. But I am an inventor and never took that oath. If you ask me
whether I would rather take a chance in hopes of saving a million lives or
be safe and never take a chance, especially with people who would die
anyway, my answer is that I would rather take the chance. And so would
they, and there are a number of people alive today who are glad they took
the chance.
So there you go, calcium hypochlorite turns to 100% hypochlorous acid
when dissolved in water. However, you can’t buy it in 100% pure form. It
comes anywhere from 55% to 80% pure.
• In general, don’t use anything less than 68% pure, as the lower
percentage products have clarifiers and stabilizers in them. But in a
pinch, even those could be used, as chemical companies are not
going to poison swimmers.
I bought it from pool stores. Guess what? It is “pool chlorine”. That’s it.
We’ve been taking “pool chlorine.” But it is not really pool chlorine. In our
stomach it really does turn to hypochlorous acid. The other chemicals that
come with it are considered non-toxic. They are sodium chemicals like
sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. They come in foods and other
processes that are safe to eat and safe to swim in. Pool chlorine -- calcium
hypochlorite -- doesn’t turn into chlorine like most people think. It turns to
hypochlorous acid that has chlorine in it, but like MMS and table salt, it
does not react in your body like chlorine.
When you buy this chemical, calcium hypochlorite, the container will say
45%, 55%, 68%, or 78%, or even 85% available chlorine.
• BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE. There is no available chlorine in this
When it is dissolved in water it turns into hypochlorous acid, not chlorine.
There is no available chlorine. It is hypochlorous acid that kills the
pathogens in the swimming pool and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is no more
chlorine than table salt (NaCl). Note that both formulas have Cl, which is
chlorine, but in neither case is the chlorine available to be used chemically
in the body.
Using Calcium Hypochlorite Capsules
I filled “0” size gel caps with “pool chlorine” (it was 72% calcium
hypochlorite; never use less than 68% calcium hypochlorite as the lower
percentages contain extra added chemicals such as clarifiers and
stabilizers) and had the people take from 1 to 5 capsules a day starting
after breakfast. Most of them never took as many as 5 capsules a day, as I
advised them to stop taking them if they felt queasy or nauseous.
And then we started adding the calcium hypochlorite (hypochlorous acid)
gel caps to our suggestions for treating all kinds of cancer. We have had
many good reports. Wish I could tell you their names but then, that’s what
they would use to put me in jail. Again, I suggest that you take from 1 to 5
capsules a day while treating cancer or other life-threatening diseases. You
can read more about treating severe diseases on my website You can just add these capsules to any procedure.
There is no doubt that many people would have done the same as me if the
same situation had been presented to them. I’m glad that I happen to be
the one who was in the right place at the right time.
Of course it needed an inventor type attitude to carry it through. Inventors
are not scientists, but they are knowledgeable enough that once they find
an idea, they can research that small, narrow area that any invention sits in
and they sometimes learn enough to put the data to work. There are
thousands of really fantastic inventions that will never see the light of day
because the powers controlled by greed will not allow it.
To give you a little more data about hypochlorous acid and why it works in
the body, let me mention a few more details.
How Does Hypochlorous Acid Work?
I have mentioned that hypochlorous acid is the main acid used by the
immune system to destroy pathogens and other microorganisms unwanted
in the body. The mechanism is somewhat different than MMS1 (chlorine
dioxide). MMS1 oxidizes the pathogens directly, pulling away the electrons
that hold their molecules together. MMS2 (hypochlorous acid) acts in a
different manner. It destroys micro- organisms by carrying oxygen to the
microorganism and then the oxygen destroys the organism. Of course,
once the hypochlorous acid delivers the oxygen, the destruction is the
same. The oxygen pulls off the electrons that hold the pathogen’s skin
This is the basic idea of the chemical process:
1. The oxygen released by the hypochlorous acid is known as nascent
oxygen. That means it is extra active and much more powerful than
oxygen normally is, but only for a short period of time. In this case
that short period is plenty long enough to do the job.
2. The formula of the hypochlorous acid is HOCl. As the HOCl gets near
a pathogen it pulls off a single electron. This electron comes over to
the HOCl and destroys it, releasing the oxygen (O), the hydrogen (H),
and the chlorine (Cl). The oxygen then destroys the molecule in the
pathogen. The hydrogen just becomes part of the body’s water, and
the chlorine becomes a chloride, which is table salt. Nature picked
this acid for use by the immune system to travel throughout the body
and into areas where the oxygen obtained from breathing does not
3. The hypochlorous acid acts as a carrier. It carries the oxygen to
places it cannot get to when traveling as oxygen. Traveling in the
hypochlorous acid, it is kept separate from various body parts that it
could oxidize, and when the hypochlorous acid reaches a hidden
pathogen deep in a tissue, it releases the oxygen as mentioned in #2
above, in a nascent condition, to do its job. It is an important
mechanism that no pathogen has ever developed a resistance to.
Anyone can make MMS2 almost anywhere in the world, as calcium
hypochlorite is much more available than the chemical that MMS1 is made
from, sodium chlorite. Calcium hypochlorite is sold in most pool stores, and
believe it or not, most countries. Even Africa and what we call the
developing countries have pool stores. So this chemical is available to
almost anyone in the world. It can be used to replace MMS1 in almost
every case. Help get the data out. Once people know about this, the ability
of the various governments to use diseases as weapons against the people
will be nothing.
Hypochlorous Acid and Table Salt
Here is one more important point that you should know. People worry about
being poisoned by MMS2 because it smells and tastes bad. Well, the
poison index for MMS2, calcium hypochlorite, is almost the same as for
table salt. The actual poison index is 850 mg/kg. That’s the amount that it
takes to kill 50% of the rats being tested; the others, lucky for them I guess,
live through the test.
However in the case of a human being, a real lethal dose would be
considered 4 or 5 times that amount. So if you were a human under test
and you weighed 80 kg (176 pounds), one would multiply 850 by 80 kg to
get the number of milligrams it would take for a 50% chance of a rat-size
lethal dose. That is 68 grams and then 4 times that is 272 grams (or 9.5
ounces) for a 50% chance of a human-size lethal dose.
Table salt would be about the same. Nine and 1/2 ounces of either one
would no doubt kill a grown person. But a little salt shaken on your dinner
tonight or a single size zero capsule of calcium hypo- chlorite would be
about the same amount, and neither is going to give you a problem.
Hypochlorous Acid to Treat Swine Flu and Other Diseases in the case
of an Emergency in a Foreign land
Should the swine flu hit your area and you can’t find a source of MMS to
buy, it would be an emergency. So go to any pharmacy and purchase some
kind, any kind, of stomach medicine, or headache medicine in capsule
form. Then empty out the medicine from the capsules by pulling them
apart, and fill them with calcium hypochlo- rite (hypochlorous acid) bought
from a pool store or a department store that sells pool supplies. It’s easy to
do. Then you would take one capsule a day to prevent the flu or if you have
the flu, take one capsule every other hour all day long. And treat any other
disease this way.
Be careful when treating the flu. Use only half a capsule the first time. Open
the capsule and dump out half of the contents. Then if it makes you feel
bad, or worse than you already feel, use a little less the next time. If you
didn’t notice feeling worse, use a full capsule the next time (in two hours).
Go easy; it will take a while. If it continues to make you feel worse, keep
taking less and less, but don’t stop taking it. Then as you begin to feel
better or at least don’t feel worse, start taking a little more. You can load
your capsules to do this. You will be OK. But follow what I have said in this
paragraph very carefully. It’s very important.
Directions for purchasing and encapsulating MMS 2 yourself
1) Do a google search on Calcium Hypochlorite (70% -78% or 80%) This is chemistry and obtaining the exact product is critical. You can purchase this in a pool supply store but make sure there are no additives. You want the pure product.
A google search will revel several companies either selling domestically in the USA or internationally.
Domestically: I ordered the powders for MMS 1 and MMS 2 through (search the site for: 'Pure Water For Survival') as a water purifier for survival. I chose this source because the powders were sold in sealed 1 pound plastic bottles. sold 2.5 lb containers and larger, but once opened you must have a plan for storage in a cool dry place or in smaller packages in the freezer. We used size 0 vegetarian capsules. Only make up enough to last you for 2 weeks then discard, as the capsules get brittle and may break while swallowing. Keep in cool dry place.
Internationally: Many companies are listed on a google search. Try one in your country's capital city as these chemicals are imported for cleaning and purifying food and water. and many companies from China ship internationally. Our recommendation: It is best to avoid governmental and official agencies, who may have links with corruption or pharmaceutical companies. This is a grassroots movement to help people have better health at a low cost. Open a branch of your organization for water purification - helping villagers and underprivileged to have clean/ safe water. Talk with NGO's in your area and ask them for help in shipping the product in with their supplies. Once you obtain the powder use the guidelines below.
Re: MMS2 Preparation (consultation with Jim Humble)
First, I searched on the web, found a local chemical distributor of Calcium
Hypochlorite, and purchased a 2kg drum of the substance, for the equivalent of
something like US$12.
The label says it's "CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE GRANULAR 70%", and that it is "a
Calcium compound containing 70% available Chlorine. It is a multipurpose
bleaching agent, disinfectant and bactericide. The economic and efficient
properties maintain hygienic conditions in most situation such as water
treatment, swimming pool care and industrial (laundry, textile, livestock
It also has 2 labels which say "OXIDIZING" and "CORROSIVE".
This is what it looks like with the drum opened:
The first thing I noticed was that it has a VERY VERY STRONG smell. A bit like
chlorine, and simply quite nauseating. It was so strong that even before opening
the SEALED drum, if you take a sniff around the lid, you could smell it. Once
you open it, you get the full impact of it, which is quite bad. You think MMS1
smells bad? Wait till you try this! I put on a mask which made it a bit better.
Actually let me rephrase. The smell itself is not that bad (possibly better than
MMS1), but what makes it so bad is how STRONG the smell is. It's very
over-powering. If anyone tries this, I suggest you do it outdoors.
I then scooped the substance into the Size 0 capsules that I purchased
separately. The first time I scooped 4 pills (didn't really touch the substance
much), and the next thing I noticed was that my fingers had a bit of a sticky
texture. I tried to wash it off with soap, but my fingers continued to have that
sticky feeling for a while. The next time I tried it, I just used disposable
This is what the pills look like, with the calcium hypochlorite inside:
3 of us popped a pill each yesterday, and I'm happy to report that we are still
Swallowing the pill was very easy, and you don't get much of the smell at all,
so in this respect it is MUCH better than MMS1.
HOWEVER, after about 30 minutes, all 3 of us started getting small burps, and
that's when we could smell/taste the substance again. The burps continued over
the next couple or so hours, once every 15 minutes or so, and it was not very
pleasant. Not too bad (we could continue functioning), but it's something we'd
definitely prefer avoiding.
I think the next time I try it, I would take it along with a meal, or eat a
chocolate bar along with it or something.
Apart from that, we didn't feel anything negative - no stomach cramps, nausea,
diarrhea or things like that. None of us had any problems/illness so can't
really say whether it did us any good (and in any case, 1 capsule wont' be
During this process, I have also been communicating with Jim Humble. Jim told me
/ confirmed to me the following:
1. Yes, the label description sounds about right.
2. Yes, it smells terrible.
3. Yes, it makes your hand sticky.
4. Yes, it's meant to be granular (I thought it was more like fine powder
looking at the pics in his mms2 page), and granular is what he's always used.
5. Like me, he takes the long end of the capsule and dips it into the substance
to scoop it up until it is full before closing it with the short end. (Or make a
wooden capsule holder for faster encapsulating. Don't make too much ahead
as the capsules get brittle with age. Vegetable capsule are more fragile
after 2 WEEKS storage (SEE above).
6. For cancer, take 4 capsules a day (one every 2 hours), plus MMS1 every hour.
7. For general maintenance, take 1 capsule a day or 2-3 times a week.
8. For cold/flu, take 1 capsule with 2 glasses of water in the first hour. Then
take 1/2 capsule (open capsule and dump out 1/2 and then put the lid back on)
with 1 glass of water every hour until the cold is gone or the flu is gone.
That last point about cold also seems to suggest that we should be taking the
capsules with a LOT of water, which ties in with what he is saying about how
calcium hypochlorite turns into hypochlorous acid when in contact with water.
When we swallowed that one pill, we just took it with a sip of water. So PERHAPS
there may have been less burping if we had taken lots of water with it?
Anyway, that's my experience with MMS2 so far. My advice for anyone trying this
1. Put on a face mask
2. Put on disposable gloves
3. Get a capsule container ready to put in all the capsules
4. Do it outdoors
5. Take it with a meal
6. Take lots of water with the capsules (2 glasses or more the first time - one
before and one with, and 2
glasses the following ones in the day if taking every hour.)
Hope that helps!
ps. June 2011 : We have been using MMS 1 - 3 drops - morning and night for over 1 year. Some days we add 1-2 drops in the middle of the day to keep our immune system strong. We've had NO side effects after the initial week of cleansing. We are in Africa and feel that boosting our resistance is necessary.
We added MMS 2 capsules - First once a day - for 1 month and then have taken it at least 1 or 2 x week as maintenance, increasing if we feel the need. Take after food. Use with plenty of water before, take the capsule, drink plenty water after.